Local Florists - Premium Quality Flowers - Order Online by 2pm for Same Day Flower Delivery in Royton

Florist Curated Flower, Plant & Gift Delivery in Royton

Our Award Winning, fully trained professional florists hand craft premium quality flowers into beautiful designs whilst curating the finest plants, arrangements and gifts. Then our dedicated team of specialist flower delivery drivers ensure they’re carefully and quickly hand delivered in Royton.

  • Royton Flower Delivery or Click & Collect 7 days a week

  • Order online in the flower shop or call  0161 333 4556 & speak to the Royton florist

  • Express Same Day Flower Deliveries in Royton on orders placed before 2pm

Bespoke Wedding Flowers in Royton & Beyond

Verdure's wonderful wedding flower & florist services will help make your special day one to remember. Our award winning team of florists will work closely with you to create bespoke designs using a considered array of flowers, botanical, natural and manufactured materials.

We provide everything from button holes & bouquets to stunning table decorations, whole venue dressing and bespoke floral installations for a wide variety of cultural, religious and civil celebrations. 

Our talented team of Wedding Florists have many years of experience working at Wedding Venues in Royton and throughout the United Kingdom. In recent years we have gained much experience working globally delivering spectacular floral designs for Destination Weddings further afield.

Funeral Flower Delivery In Royton

Flowers are a perfect way to express personal feelings, saying goodbye or to offer comfort to those who have lost a loved one when the right words are difficult to find. They can lift the spirits of guests at the service as they gather to say their farewells and play a significant part in the celebration of life.

At such difficult and sensitive times the florist team at Verdure is here to support you in choosing the appropriate floral design, whether it be a wreath, spray or posy. We can also create bespoke flower tributes reflecting hobbies, passions or personality.

Verdure’s sensitive and skilled florists will do their utmost to provide you with thoughtful and beautiful funeral flowers and are on hand to discuss your requirements and then liaise with the funeral director to arrange the flower delivery directly to them.

Click here to view our funeral flower shop.

Event Florists in Royton

Verdure’s award winning floral design team use a varied and considered array of floral, plant, natural and manufactured materials to create stunning arrangements, compact and focal, to enhance many different events and celebrations.

Our vast and ever expanding prop and equipment collection enable us to deliver the wow factor for your special event. We offer a fully bespoke floral design service for many types of events including:

  • Corporate & Charity Gala Dinner, Parties & Award Ceremonies

  • Private Occasions, Parties, Celebrations & Surprises

  • Trade Exhibitions & All Types of Conferences

  • Product Launches & Brand Communications

Interior Floral & Plant Design, Installation & Maintenance Services

Our designers utilise a vast assortment of floral, plant, natural and manufactured materials to create amazing arrangements and features to decorate many different interior and exterior environments.

During the festive season make your space stand out from the rest with our bespoke Christmas Decorating service.

Verdure’s interior floral and plant design products and services are available as one off purchases or regular contracted services and solutions tailored to client needs in the following locations:

  • Private Residences & Communal Areas in Residential Developments

  • Retail Stores, Brand Promotions, Pop-Ups & Shopping Centres

  • Hospitality Sector Venues, Bars, Cafes, Restaurants & Hotels

  • Commercial, Public & Office Work Spaces

Floral Design Projects, Masterclasses & Consulting

At Verdure our team love to be tested and we utilise our extensive experience and expertise to fulfil almost any floral challenge! Here is a selection of the varied projects we have worked on previously:

  • Private, Charity & Corporate Workshops & Master Classes

  • Florist & Flower Arranging Demonstrations

  • Bespoke Floral Art Commissions

  • Floral Design Consulting

  • Business Consulting

  • Film & TV Projects

  • Competitions

Royton is a town in the Metropolitan Borough of Oldham, Greater Manchester, England, with a population of 21,284 in 2011. Close to the source of the River Irk, near undulating land at the foothills of the South Pennines, it is 1.7 miles (2.7 km) northwest of Oldham, 3.2 miles (5.1 km) southeast of Rochdale and 7.6 miles (12.2 km) northeast of Manchester.

Historically part of Lancashire, Royton and its surroundings have provided evidence of ancient British, Roman and Viking activity in the area. During the Middle Ages, Royton formed a small township centred on Royton Hall, a manor house owned by a long succession of dignitaries which included the Byrons and Radcliffes. A settlement expanded outwards from the hall which, by as late as 1780, "contained only a few straggling and mean-built cottages". Farming was the main industry of this rural area, with locals supplementing their incomes by hand-loom woollen weaving in the domestic system.

Royton has the distinction of being the first town where a powered cotton mill was built; at Thorp in 1764, and is one of the first localities in the world to have adopted the factory system. The introduction of textile manufacture during the Industrial Revolution facilitated a process of unplanned urbanisation in the area, and by the mid-19th century Royton had emerged as a mill town. At its zenith, there were 40 cotton mills—some of the largest in the United Kingdom—employing 80% of the local population. Imports of foreign cotton goods began the decline in Royton's textile industry during the mid-20th century, and its last mill closed in 2002.